As the seasons change, and we look towards the end of a very challenging year, it is very easy for us to maintain our sense of hope, optimism and certainty about the future. None of us could have imagined back in January of 2020 as a new year and new decade was about to unfold that the months ahead would see us grounded. Across the world, across our industry, across our communities, confidence was extinguished as compassion and extreme care became central to both personal and professional strategies to just get to the other side. With 2020 counting down, as hard as it can feel, there are reasons to maintain confidence in the future. We must. And we can.
As I have said through this year, this has not been our first crisis and it will not be our last. As in the past, we must choose to come out stronger. Our industry has never witnessed before such global unity. Our industry now benefits from,shared commitment to safe recovery with focus on inclusion of community and prioritisation of sustainability. It has been inspiring to see our industry’s long-spoken quest to speak with one voice turn into unified actions.
This is one of the reasons I enjoyed reading the latest blog from our CEO at Tourism Cares – Greg Takehara – who offers here a great perspective on this opportunity of choice, the seeds of faith and opportunity we plant today for the year, and years, ahead. Enjoy.